Северен ресторан и бар 2025 година
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Донесете гостопримство заедно. Дали сте заинтересирани да изложувате на нашиот настан? БУМ на приготвени коктели: удобноста се среќава со занаетот во индустријата за пијалоци. Регистрациите за северни ресторани и барови се сега отворени за 2025 година! Сега со ново лоцирано шоу, ручек! СЕВЕР. NRB24 Извештаи евиденција на посетеност. Откриена Kuits NRB Power List 2024. Што ќе биде на менито на северниот ресторан и бар во 2024 година? Вил Бекет, Кејт Николс-Обе и Саша Лорд ќе им се придружат на Том Барнс и Сајмон Роган како клучни говорници на Nrb24.
https://northernrestaurantandbar.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/NRB-2024-Promo-30s-16x9-1.mp4Book Free TicketsSTAND ENQUIRYBringing Hospitality TogetherNorthern Restaurant & Bar is sponsored by Uber Eats and is the North’s premier hospitality trade show. NRB brings together more than 9,600 attendees and 300+ exhibitors. It is a date you should not miss.Join your industry 11-12 March 2025 in Manchester Central.BOOK FREE TICKETS WITH:The best and busiest NRB ever. It was great to have the largest industry trade show in the North with the opportunity to highlight the wonderful things that have always been happening beyond the capital. Jeremy Roberts Chairman, Living VenturesNRB is a great place to meet operators and develop our network. It's a great platform to develop our network and meet operators. Samuel Cresswell Enterprise Sales Manager at UBEREATSWill Beckett is the CEO and co-founder of Hawksmoor.I have been a past exhibitor and a frequent visitor. NRB continues to grow and this year I think it was its best yet. This show is one of the most diverse in the country, with its education, content, brands and customers. We are looking forward to 2025.Serhii Otapchuk, UK&I Drinks Wholesale Trade Marketing Manager at MONINThe NRB event is a two-day must attend. It was my first time and it exceeded all of my expectations. There was a great lineup of speakers, demonstrations and suppliers. I made so many new friends as well as many old ones. Jo Fleet, Managing director, Caravan RestaurantsNRB 2024 is the busiest event we've ever done. We collected 17% more leads at the 2023 show than we did in 2024.NRB is a hub of hospitality after an amazing couple of days. A space that is perfect for gathering and celebrating the North, with food, drinks and all of their associated elements. Bravo NRB. Emily Hawkley, Director, BurgerismNRB was a great trade show with an impressive line-up of brands. We received high-quality leads and look forward to participating.
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