
Започнете 2025

From February 18, 2025 until February 23, 2025
Granges-Paccot - Форум Фрибург, Кантон Фрибург, Швајцарија
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Започнете! – Forum des métiers

START! More than 230 professions are represented. START! Careers Forum for 2025 Revisit the 2023 edition. SwissSkills Careers Championships. Find an apprenticeship. Select your area of interest. Apprenticeships are available. Start offers a wide range of jobs. We're here to help! You want to know more about a specific profession? Organised by the Trades Forum Association.

Career Forum 2025 will take place from February 18 to 23, 2025 at Forum Friborg and continue in 2027 at Espace Gruyere. Career Forum 2025 takes place from 18 February to 23 February 2025 in Forum Friborg, and continues in 2027 at Espace gruyere.

View the captivating presentations from each exhibitor. Begin your virtual journey to the professional world.

SwissSkills Career Championships are an adventure for both the young people competing for the title of Swiss Champion and their employers. It takes time to train your apprentices and can be costly, but it is worth the effort.

p.a. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Canton of Frborg.

Посети: 1600

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Granges-Paccot - Форум Фрибург, Кантон Фрибург, Швајцарија Granges-Paccot - Форум Фрибург, Кантон Фрибург, Швајцарија


800 Останати симболи