
Летна научна изложба 2024 година

Летна научна изложба
From June 04, 2024 until June 06, 2024
Берлин - Андели од Виена Куќа Берлин, Берлин, Германија
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

SuperVenture | Venture capital event

No ordinary network Berlin is the new home of the European VC Awards! The premier venture capital event for LP/VC relationships. SuperVenture has a new home. Putting LP/VC relations centre stage. Why more than 350 LPs are attending. Success is all about networking. The European VC Awards. The numbers are important NATO Innovation Fund is among the speakers. Francesca Warner, MBE. Founding and managing partner. Laura Weidman Powers.

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Оваа страница е во сопственост и управувана од Informa PLC. Сите авторски права се нивни. Седиштето на Informa PLC се наоѓа на 5 Howick Place во Лондон SW1P WG. Регистриран во Англија и Велс. Регистарски број 3099067.

1,000+ decision-makers. 350+ LPs. 550+ VCs. 25,000+ meetings.

Recent perspectives on emerging managers and ESG, as well as family offices, LP allocations, and more.

Nominate firms and individuals who stand out, and can make a real difference.

SuperVenture was sold out again in 2023. The Vienna House in Berlin will host Europe's premier LP/VC event for 2024. Join 1,000+ industry leaders at the annual venture capital gathering of senior LPs & VCs.

Shuttle buses run between the venue and Intercontinental Hotel to connect SuperVenture International with SuperReturn International.

Three days of networking and insight focused on VC perspectives.

Discover the global venture market in 2024. Learn about valuations, LP allocating, growth stage investing and secondaries. Also, don't forget to check out the latest insights into integrating ESG with investments and making them impactful.

Посети: 2642

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Берлин - Андели од Виена Куќа Берлин, Берлин, Германија Берлин - Андели од Виена Куќа Берлин, Берлин, Германија


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