
ОМАН ПЛАСТ 2024 година

From October 15, 2024 until October 17, 2024
Мускат - Оман конвенциски и изложбен центар, гувернер на Мускат, Оман
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

- omanplast.net

The 8th International Plastics, Rubber, Petrochemical, Chemical, Fertilizers, Plastitics Recycling, Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition & Conference 2024. Materials, Chemicals, Fertilizers & Auxiliaries. Plastic Packaging Machinery & Technology. Equipment & Services. Post Processing Machine. Machines and plants for finishing, decorating, printing, packaging, marking, manufacturers and suppliers of.

HomeThe 8th International Plastics, Rubber, Petrochemical, Chemical, Fertilizers, Plastics Recycling, Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition & Conference 2024The 8th OMAN Plast 2024 is a prestigious International Plastics, Rubber, petrochemicals, chemicals, fertilizers, plastics recycling, printing and packaging industry exhibition and conference that takes place annually. This prestigious exhibition aims to showcase and demonstrate products and services related to this industry in the rapidly developing market of Oman, GCC Countries and to further encourage developing trade relations between Oman with the rest of world. The 8th OMAN Plast 2024 will set new records for the number of visitors, exhibitors, industrialists and professionals.The 8th Oman PLAST 2024 event is a 3-day event that has a major role to play in the development of the regional economy. The event will feature the latest technology and machinery for manufacturing plastics and petrochemicals. This show will gather professionals in these industries and give them an opportunity to discuss the future of the industry. This show expands the development of all participants and allows them to interact and connect with people of all backgrounds. The forum will allow them to establish good relationships with their potential counterparts and users.Post Show Report for 2018tttttttttttParticipation CostSpace Contract FormtttttttttttFloor PlanVisitor Registration Form.

Посети: 2341

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Мускат - Оман конвенциски и изложбен центар, гувернер на Мускат, Оман Мускат - Оман конвенциски и изложбен центар, гувернер на Мускат, Оман


Почитуван Господине,
Со најголемо жалење, ова е љубезно да ве информираме дека поради некои непредвидени околности сме ограничени да го презакажеме нашиот 7-ми OMAN PLAST 2023 од 29-ти до 31-ви мај 2023 година до 10-ти до 12-ти октомври 2023 година, кој ќе се одржи на Конвенцијата и изложбата во Оман, Мускатрен центар Султанат на Оман.

Во врска со ова, искрено се извинуваме од сржта на нашето срце за непријатностите што ви ги предизвикаа во овој поглед.

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