
Австралиски меѓународен музички фестивал 2024 година

Австралиски меѓународен музички фестивал
From June 29, 2024 until July 06, 2024
Сиднеј - Градска рецитална сала, Нов Јужен Велс, Австралија
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Архива на фестивали - Светски проекти Јужен Пацифик

Australian International Music Festival. Chicago International Music Festival. Los Angeles International Music Festival. New York ‘Sounds of Summer’ International Music Festival. New York International Music Festival. New York Wind Band Festival. Pacific Basin Music Festival. Summa Cum Laude Festival Vienna. Washington DC International Music Festival. To talk to our staff about inclusions and custom itineraries please contact us.

Venues: Sydney Town Hall, City Recital Hall (Angel Place), Sydney Conservatorium of Music, St. James Church and Sydney Opera House.

Awards: The festival jury will award each ensemble Gold, Silver, or Bronze plaques based on the concert performance. A Showcase Award category is offered for groups that do not wish to compete.

Performance Opportunities: Perform at iconic venues around Sydney including the magnificent City Recital Hall and Sydney Town Hall.

Awards: The festival jury will award each ensemble Gold, Silver, or Bronze plaques based on the concert performance.

Performance Opportunities: Why not add a custom tour to this festival to include other destinations such as New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles.

Awards: The festival jury will award each ensemble Gold, Silver, or Bronze plaques based on the concert performance. A Showcase Award category is offered for groups that do not wish to compete.

Performance Opportunities: Walt Disney Hall is a fantastic and memorable experience for any performing ensemble. Why not add a visit to San Francisco or San Diego to see more of the West Coast USA.

Посети: 1943

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Сиднеј - Градска рецитална сала, Нов Јужен Велс, Австралија Сиднеј - Градска рецитална сала, Нов Јужен Велс, Австралија


800 Останати симболи