
Изложба за работа и работа на меѓународниот паметен аеродром во Шангај (AFOE CHINA) 2024 година

Изложба на објекти и операции на меѓународни паметни аеродроми во Шангај (AFOE CHINA)
From May 29, 2024 until May 31, 2024
Шангај - Шангајски конвенциски и изложбен центар за меѓународни извори, Шангај, Кина
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智慧机场展|SACE КИНА 2024 ✈ 中国(上海)国际智慧机场建设与运营展览会

The exhibition was upgraded to the China (Shanghai) International Smart Airport Construction and Operation Exhibition in order to highlight the professionalism of the industry and the influence of the show. The second Smart Airport Exhibition has been upgraded this year based on the success the first Smart Airport Exhibition. It is now the China (Shanghai), International Smart Airport Construction and Operation Exhibition. This exhibition will be hosted by the Shanghai Aeronautical Society and more specifically by Gordon Commercial Exhibition. The Shanghai Multinational Procurement Center will host the exhibition from May 29th through 31st 2024. The exhibition will include a number of forum events, including the Second International Smart Airport Construction and Development Summit Forum and International Smart Airport Buyers Meeting. The exhibition will attract major airports, airlines and civil aviation airport construction groups from around the globe, as well professional buyers from different countries. The event has created a platform that allows for the exchange of information and collaboration between the supply and demand sides. It has also played an important role in promoting construction and development smart airports across the globe.

Авторски права (в), 2023 2024 година Изложба за изградба и работа на меѓународен паметен аеродром во Кина (Шангај), Сите права се задржани. Техничка поддршка: Shanghai Gordon Exhibition Group Co. Ltd.

Посети: 19089

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Шангај - Шангајски конвенциски и изложбен центар за меѓународни извори, Шангај, Кина Шангај - Шангајски конвенциски и изложбен центар за меѓународни извори, Шангај, Кина


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