
САЕМ ЦБД Шангај 2025 година

From March 24, 2025 until March 26, 2025
Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)


The 2024 China Construction Expo in Shanghai has been a success! This time, I'll use seven words to describe the event. The A8 Space Night at the 2024 China Construction Expo in Shanghai was held as planned after ten years "building" the future and sharing it. These 5 scenes from the opening of 2024 China Construction Expo in Shanghai are simply Wonderful! . Exhibition guide book | knock knock ! Here is the map of the exhibition! . China Construction Expo (Shanghai) customizes your ideal life for you! . [Review] May 18th, 20:00-21:30 pm, the design is to have fun, come and worship. [Review] April 18th, 19:30-21:30 pm 21:00, CIFF New Products Festival Markor Home A.R.T. Brand special session. China Construction Expo (Shanghai) customizes your ideal life for you! . ShijianfangGun (Review) On April 28th, 14:30-17.00 pm the cloud national preliminary evaluation will be held and the Mango Award national launch will take place. CBD Shanghai Hongqiao | China Construction Expo (Shanghai) customizes your ideal life ! .

China Construction Expo (Шангај), спонзориран од China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co. Ltd. и Red Star Macaline Home Furnishing Group Co. Ltd. - претпријатие во целосна сопственост директно под China Foreign Trade Center Group Co. Ltd. - е домаќин на Кина Изложба за надворешна трговија Guangzhou Co. Ltd. и Red Star во организација на Macaline Home Furnishing Group Co. Ltd. и Шангај Zhongmao Macaline Economic and Trade Development Co. Ltd.

Посети: 22174


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Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина


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