
Мотортек 2025 година

From April 23, 2025 until April 26, 2025
Мадрид - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, заедница во Мадрид, Шпанија
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Известување и новодаде на феријата | МОТОРТЕК

MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the I Industrial Vehicle Aftersales Summit. MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the Commitment to Sustainability in Aftersales Awards. MotorMeetings News.

MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the I Industrial Vehicle Aftersales Summit AERVI activated the truck and bus aftermarket, at its event, held on March 14, 2024, at IFEMA MADRID Read more.

AERVI activated the truck and bus aftermarket, at its event, held on March 14, 2024, at IFEMA MADRID.

MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the Commitment to Sustainability in Aftersales Awards Convened by the associations SERNAUTO, ANCERA, CETRAA and CONEPA Read more.

Convened by the associations SERNAUTO, ANCERA, CETRAA and CONEPA.

03/25/24 6 min. reading MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the I Industrial Vehicle Aftersales Summit.

02/02/24 6 min. reading MOTORTEC MADRID sponsored the Congress of the Industrial Vehicle Aftersales Club.

01/30/24 4 min. reading MOTORTEC MADRID sponsors the 1st Industrial Vehicle Aftersales Summit.

12/21/23 3 min. reading MOTORTEC MADRID hosted the Commitment to Sustainability in Aftersales Awards.

11/28/23 5 min. reading MOTORTEC, with the Commitment to Sustainability Awards On December 19, 2023, at the IFEMA MADRID Fairgrounds.

11/20/23 2 min. reading MOTORTEC CHILE 2024: the third edition is underway.

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Мадрид - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, заедница во Мадрид, Шпанија Мадрид - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, заедница во Мадрид, Шпанија


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