
Девизи 2024 година

From November 29, 2024 until November 30, 2024
Утрехт - Jaarbeurs, Утрехт, Холандија
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

De BuitenlandBeurs | Студија, сцена, тусенџаар во het buitenland

For study counselors. Come to De BuitenlandBeurs and discover everything about study, internship and gap year abroad. Come to De BuitenlandBeurs and discover everything about study, internship and gap year abroad. Come to De BuitenlandBeurs and discover everything about study, internship and gap year abroad. Come to De BuitenlandBeurs and discover everything about study, internship and gap year abroad.

Find out about the different options for going abroad.

Studies, internships, gap year, language trips, exchanges, (volunteer) work and high school programs.

140 (educational) institutions, companies and organizations that are eager to help you.

More than 50 presentations with practical tips and experience stories.

Разговарајте со ентузијастички студенти и советници.

Jaarbeurs Utrecht is centrally located in the heart of the Netherlands and close to Utrecht CS. The Foreign Exchange takes place at the same time as the Midden Study Choice Fair. You can visit both fairs with 1 ticket.

Do you dream of a study, internship or gap year abroad, but you are not yet sure what exactly it will be? Or are you not sure what the options are?

Then De BuitenlandBeurs on November 29 and 30 is the place to be. Here you will get exactly the information, inspiration and tips you need to realize your ambitions abroad!

The Foreign Exchange is the largest event in the Netherlands in the field of study, internship, gap year and (volunteer) work abroad.

Посети: 6066

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Утрехт - Jaarbeurs, Утрехт, Холандија Утрехт - Jaarbeurs, Утрехт, Холандија


800 Останати симболи