
Облоги за Африка 2024 година

Облоги за Африка
From June 19, 2024 until June 21, 2024
Јоханесбург - Конвенциски центар Сендтон, Гаутенг, Јужна Африка
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Облоги за Африка - Најголем собир за заедницата на облоги во Африка

Connecting the Coatings Industry in Africa. The largest gathering of the coatings community in Africa. Topline Report 2022: Coatings for Africa. HERE'S WHAT OUR EXHIBITORS & VISITORS HAD TO SAY... Ryan Harrison, IMCD | Exhibitor. Dr. Reda Fleet, Kansai Plascon | Visitor. Mohammed Sanaobar, Wacker | Exhibitor. Humbelani Constance, Kelo Paints | Visitor. DEDICATED PRODUCT AREAS. The Coatings Group Events.


Еден и единствен саем за премази во Африка ги обединува глобалните купувачи и добавувачи.

Coatings For Africa has a long history of success. Through its association with Oil and Colour Chemists' Association and South African Paint Manufacturing Association, it is the largest coatings event dedicated to raw material and services suppliers, equipment and painting manufacturers in Africa. The trade exhibition, along with the Business Presentations Hub facilitates serious networking and business opportunities for the coatings industry.

This event provides the ideal environment for manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials, distributors, buyers, and technical experts such as formulators in the coatings sector to interact and conduct business. The event also offers a chance to gain insight into the latest processes and exchange ideas with leaders in the industry.

Ќе присуствуваат учесници од сите сегменти на синџирот на снабдување на индустријата.

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Јоханесбург - Конвенциски центар Сендтон, Гаутенг, Јужна Африка Јоханесбург - Конвенциски центар Сендтон, Гаутенг, Јужна Африка


800 Останати симболи