
Услуга за храна Фиспал 2024 година

Услуга за храна Fispal
From June 11, 2024 until June 14, 2024
Сао Паоло - Експо центар Норте, држава Сао Паоло, Бразил
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🍴 Fispal Food Service e Fispal Sorvetes | 11 и 14 јуни 2024 година


Одделот Informa PLC за Informa Markets го вклучува Informa PLC.

Оваа страница е во сопственост и управувана од Informa PLC. Сите авторски права се нивни. Седиштето на Informa PLC се наоѓа на 5 Howick Place во Лондон SW1P WG. Регистриран во Англија и Велс. Регистарски број 8860726.

Fispal Food Service & Fispal Sorvetes is the largest and most important event for the food service industry. It provides a platform for the development of business, the exchange of knowledge and the creation strategic relationships. The 2023 edition attracted more than 52 000 qualified visitors looking for market trends and news, as well as a rich content program and experiences.

The next meeting is already scheduled for June 11th to the 14th of 2024 at Expo Center Norte in Sao Paulo.

Our digital platform allows food service establishments to find exclusive content, including certificates and solutions for their business, as well as contact exhibitors at any time.

All these benefits are available now. Join other professionals in your sector to research new products and watch videos that will help you grow your business.

Discover our digital solutions if your company provides products and services for the food service industry. They will help you connect with businesses across the country. Use our contacts to attract, engage and convert new clients.

Посети: 7280

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Сао Паоло - Експо центар Норте, држава Сао Паоло, Бразил Сао Паоло - Експо центар Норте, држава Сао Паоло, Бразил


800 Останати симболи