
From October 03, 2024 until October 03, 2024

Во Торонто - Конгресен центар Метро Торонто, Онтарио, Канада

Објавено од Canton Fair Net

категории: Корпоративни услуги

Посети: 453 Торонто | Настанот подготвен за M&A | 3 октомври 2024 година:

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Here's where you can get M&A will be the event of choice for those in the technology industry who are interested in learning more about the process of buying and selling technology companies.M&A, despite the current downturn in Canada's technology market, will continue to be a major factor for tech companies by 2024. Market conditions, volatility and uncertainty create huge opportunities for sharing ideas, partnering, merging and acquiring. How can a founder learn more about the process of exiting their company? How can you become more knowledgeable about smart and strategic acquisitions?, Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, will reveal all. ќе биде настан на избор за оние од технолошката индустрија кои се заинтересирани да дознаат повеќе за процесот на купување и продавање технолошки компании.

M&A, despite the current downturn in Canada's technology market, will continue to be a major factor for tech companies by 2024. Market conditions, volatility and uncertainty create huge opportunities for sharing ideas, partnering, merging and acquiring. How can you as a founder learn more about the process of exiting your business? How can you become more knowledgeable about smart and strategic acquisitions?