
RealTech Expo 2024 година

RealTech Expo
From October 16, 2024 until October 19, 2024
Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

RealTech Expo во БАУ КИНА

Future Trade Fair for Property, Investment & Technology. Future * Technology. RealTech Expo Recap. Summits, forums & side events. RealTech Asia Summit. Side Events and Gala Night. Co-operative Partner. Cooperative Partner. China Architecture Design Expo 2020. Fenestration Asia 2020. Glasstech Asia 2020. Exhibition Newsletter Mail Subscription Service

Due to the changes in the property market, this industry has entered a phase of rational development and high quality. Real estate enterprises must therefore explore and innovate. RealTech Expo took this opportunity to introduce its own innovations on the market. RealTech Expo, focusing on "the future space", has brought together the most influential players in the property sector, including developers, investors and government planners, as well as leading tech solution providers and service providers. They have shown the latest technologies and trends for the real estate market through dedicated exhibition zones. RealTech Expo has committed to creating a B2G2C business platform that integrates business promotions, rebranding and allows real estate enterprises transform and grow.

In cooperation with suppliers of high quality, the most influential real-estate enterprises in different sectors will take on the role of "business initiators" to demonstrate future space concepts through various scenes.

Водечките провајдери на решенија за системи за градење од целиот свет ќе ја претстават најсовремената технологија и нивните согледувања во различни области, со што ќе го обликуваат идниот простор.

Посети: 5943

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Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина


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