
Експо Мед 2024 година

Експо Мед
From August 20, 2024 until August 22, 2024
Мексико Сити - Центро Ситибанамекс, Мексико Сити, Мексико
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

Expo Med | Hospitalar 20 al 22 de Agosto, 2024 CDMX

Хоспитализирајте го Мексико. Квалификувани купувачи. Излагач во лице. Години искуство Да се ​​биде референца за здравствениот сектор во Мексико. Сите играчи во здравствениот сектор Сите на едно место. Специјализирани производители на опрема. Дистрибутери на медицински помагала. Професионалци за набавки. Медицински и болнички директори.

Одделот Informa PLC за Informa Markets го вклучува Informa PLC.

Оваа страница е во сопственост и управувана од Informa PLC. Сите авторски права се нивни. Седиштето на Informa PLC се наоѓа на 5 Howick Place во Лондон SW1P 1. Регистрирано во Англија и Велс. Регистарски број 8860726.

Од 20 до 22 август 2020 година | 11:00 - 05:00 часот.

We are pleased to announce that, starting in 2023, Expo MED will be part of the Hospitalar family, one of the largest and most important events in the health sector in Latin America. Expo Med|Hospitalar Mexico will continue to be the leading event in medical devices, equipment and technology in Mexico, strengthening the international presence and the offer of exhibitors and visitors.The alliance between Expo MED and Hospitalar is made with the intention that attendees have access to a greater variety of products and services in the health industry; to have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends, cutting-edge technologies and solutions for medical and hospital care.Since its creation and until recent years, Expo MED has been a leading event in Mexico for health professionals, in which the latest advances in technology and products for the industry have been presented; However, the synergy with Hospitalar, the sector leader in Brazil, will provide a new international perspective and a cutting-edge approach to medical care in Latin America.The merger of both events organized by Informa Markets will offer a wide range of solutions for the health industry; from medical technologies to hospital management solutions. In this way, Expo MED | Hospitalar Mexico will be able to interact with a wide range of exhibitors, including manufacturers, distributors and health service providers.As in previous years, at Expo MED | Hospitalar Mexico will hold specialized conferences and workshops with industry leaders and references that will cover topics of interest to health professionals in Mexico and Latin America.MED Expo | Hospitalar Mexico and Hospitalar Brasil will continue to operate independently in their respective countries. MED Expo | Hospitalar Mexico will continue to be the leading event in the health sector in Mexico, while Hospitalar will continue to be the most important event in the industry in Brazil. Both events will bring together their experience and expertise to provide the best user experience, while maintaining their identity and focus on the specific needs of their respective local markets.

Посети: 5519

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Мексико Сити - Центро Ситибанамекс, Мексико Сити, Мексико Мексико Сити - Центро Ситибанамекс, Мексико Сити, Мексико


800 Останати симболи