
Canfitpro Торонто 2024 година

Canfitpro Торонто
From August 07, 2024 until August 10, 2024
Торонто - Конгресен центар Метро Торонто, Онтарио, Канада
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- canfitpro

Инспирирајте самодоверба. Запали резултати. Личен тренер. Фитнес инструктор, специјалист за здрава исхрана и слабеење. Курсеви за континуирано образование. 29 февруари 2024 година. Одржување на стандарди за пракса преку култура на образование и сертификација. Февруари 7, 2024. Како да придонесете за инклузивно движење за фитнес. 16 јануари 2024 година. Разбирање на фитнес трендовите и подобрување на вашата деловна стратегија за 2024 година.

Join us and be the first to hear about the latest news on fitness, canfitpro certifications & events, advertising, and much more! You consent to receiving marketing emails by submitting this form. Consent does NOT mean that you will make a purchase. You can cancel your subscription at any time. CERTIFICATION Inspire Confidence. Ignite Results. What do we tell clients every day about fitness? Fitness is a lifelong journey. Add powerful courses to your arsenal. Learn more about the courses you can add to your arsenal. Eric is my name. I am from Mexico, and I completed the PTS online course with Trevor Pickett. It was a wonderful experience taking this course with Trevor Pickett. I learned a lot from him and he's a fantastic teacher. Trevor was a great teacher. He made the class fun and easy to understand, even for me, who speaks English as a second language. Trevor was a great help to me when I was worried about taking an online course, especially one in another language, with lots of technical terms. I am so glad I chose him to be my PRO TRAINER. Last but not least, I want to thank canfitpro in particular Trevor. EricIt is an honor to be able connect with so many incredible women in the fitness industry. It was a great feeling to be in the room with everyone, feeling their energy, and listening to all the speakers' inspiring stories. You all were amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your stories and for letting us in to your world.

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Торонто - Конгресен центар Метро Торонто, Онтарио, Канада Торонто - Конгресен центар Метро Торонто, Онтарио, Канада


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