
Aca Engage 2025 година

Аца Енгејџ
From January 22, 2025 until January 25, 2025
Вашингтон ДЦ - Вашингтон, Дистрикт Колумбија, САД
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)
Тагови: Лекови

Страна - АЦА денес

The Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act has been passed by Congress. The Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act has been passed by Congress. Encourage participation in the Clinician Practice Information Survey. Promote participation in the Clinician Practice Information Survey. Now Available in Spanish: Healthy Living Patient Handbooks. Now available in Spanish, the Healthy Living Patient Handbooks! ).

Join us to advocate for our patients. Speak out about H.R. 1610 and S.

Join us to advocate for our patients. Speak out about H.R. 1610 and S.

The CPI Survey provides information that will allow policymakers to better understand modern practices, including payment advocacy. Everyone who has been contacted must participate. Spread the word.

The CPI Survey provides information that will allow policymakers to better understand modern practices, including payment advocacy. Everyone who has been contacted must participate. Spread the word.

ACA's Healthy Lifestyle Patient Education Handouts helps patients learnLearn about the benefits and safety of chiropractic treatment.While performing daily tasks.

ACA's Healthy Lifestyle Patient Education Handouts helps patients learnLearn about the benefits and safety of chiropractic treatment.While performing daily tasks.

Medicare modernization will cover chiropractic care for millions of seniors in America. Chiropractic physicians will be able to provide the best care for their patients when they are allowed to practice at full capacity.

Посети: 2671

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Вашингтон ДЦ - Вашингтон, Дистрикт Колумбија, САД Вашингтон ДЦ - Вашингтон, Дистрикт Колумбија, САД


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