
Меѓународна изложба за прочистување на воздухот во затворен простор во Шангај 2024 година

Меѓународна изложба за прочистување на воздухот во затворен простор во Шангај
From March 26, 2024 until March 29, 2024
Шангај - Шангај Нов меѓународен изложбен центар (SNIEC), Шангај, Кина
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CCE上海国际清洁技术设备博览会-上海国际室内空气净化展览会 - CCE上海国际空气净化展览会 - CCE上海国际Од 2022 година до 6 јануари 26-29 април

Шангајски меѓународен технолошки форум за прочистување на внатрешната средина, „Добриот воздух на Кина* добрата иднина на Кина“, тематски форум. Четвртиот натпревар за вештини за третман на воздух во внатрешната средина во Кина Јангце Делта (Шангај) ќе се одржи во 4 година. Водечката изложба за чистење во Азија ја води индустријата во вистинската насока.

Shanghai International Indoor Air Purification Exhibition began in 2004. It is organized jointly by Shanghai Indoor Environment Purification Industry Association, and Shanghai UBM International Exhibition Co. Ltd. This is the first professional indoor air purification exhibition in China.

The CIEQ Shanghai Air Purification exhibition is based on the concept of hotel engineering, commercial space exhibitions and adheres to green, healthy, scientific and environmental protection concepts. "Indoor air purification" will be the theme of this new exhibition. Users and builders in commercial spaces, such as hotels, commercial centers and chain supermarkets, as well as hospitals, nursing homes and health care facilities, as well as leisure vacations and schools, as construction projects, architectural designs, municipal construction and municipal planning, can display the latest indoor air purification.

Shanghai International Indoor Air Purification Exhibition, founded in 2004, has now been held 17 times. The Shanghai International Indoor Air Purification Exhibition relies on UBM’s global buyer database, which has millions of buyers. It also connects upstream and downstream industry chains and receives support from industry associations throughout the country. There were a lot of exciting activities at the exhibition, and many industry leaders came together to discuss indoor air purification technologies. It shared a 210,000-square-meter exhibition space with 170,000+ professionals during the same time period. This brought many more opportunities for air purification companies to participate.

Посети: 2805

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Шангај - Шангај Нов меѓународен изложбен центар (SNIEC), Шангај, Кина Шангај - Шангај Нов меѓународен изложбен центар (SNIEC), Шангај, Кина


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