
Vakbeurs Sport Accommodaties 2025 година

Vakbeurs Sport Accommodates
From March 20, 2025 until March 20, 2025
Утрехт - Expo Houten, Утрехт, Холандија
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Vakbeurs Sportaccommodaties - ExpoProof - организатор van zakelijke evenementen voor overheid en markt

Саем за спортски објекти Издание за филмски впечаток 2019. Посетете ја веб-страницата на саемот. Настани за владата и пазарот со цел одржлива животна средина.

Осмото издание Vakbeurs Sportsaccommodaties се одржува на Expo Houten, во четврток, 5 март 2020 година.

Sport and encouraging sport amongst both the young and elderly is a social issue that should be taken seriously. As a municipality owner or manager of a sports hall, you must ensure that your sports facilities are maintained in the best possible condition. Vakbeurs Sportaccommodaties will teach you everything you need to know about sports facilities, including the design, construction and furnishing of them, as well as their maintenance and management.

Business events for the government and market aimed at creating a circular living environment in public.

Business events for the government and market that aim to create a sustainable living environment.

Business events for the government and market aimed at creating a sustainable living environment.

Business events for the government and market aimed at creating a sustainable living environment.

Business events aimed at creating a sustainable living environment for the public.

Business events for the government and market aimed at creating a sustainable living environment.

Деловни настани за владата и пазарот со цел одржлива животна средина.

Посети: 2637

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Утрехт - Expo Houten, Утрехт, Холандија Утрехт - Expo Houten, Утрехт, Холандија


800 Останати симболи