
Меѓународна изложба на козметика [Осака] -COSME OSAKA- 2024 година

Меѓународна изложба на козметика [Осака] -COSME OSAKA-
From September 25, 2024 until September 27, 2024
Осака - INTEX Осака, префектура Осака, Јапонија
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[国際] 化粧品展 【東京】-COSME TOKYO- 2025|COSME Week【東京】2025


The exhibition will feature cosmetics from Japan and around the globe.Japan's largest specialty cosmetics exhibition.Mail order, retail stores, salons in Japan and abroadThe event was attended by many buyers and sellers from trading companies.The latest cosmetics are being discussed at this international business exhibition.This is an exhibition for business-to-business (B2B) only. The general public, or consumers, are not permitted to attend. Please take note.

This is an excellent opportunity to gain new customers, such as those from retail stores and mail-order stores. These are growing in numbers every year.

The exhibition attracted a large number of buyers who had budgets and were in a position to make decisions. The business matching takes place in an environment where it is possible to compare products and engage in dialogue. This speeds up the process of closing a deal.

Attracting buyers from Asia and Europe. This is an exhibition for business negotiations that will result in orders. This is an excellent place to establish a foothold in overseas exports.

Контејнери/пакети за козметички суровини OEM итн.

Производителите на козметика и компании кои влегуваат во други индустрии

Beauty drinks, food products and supplements and their OEM

Manufacturers, retailers, salons, etc.

Посети: 1958

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Осака - INTEX Осака, префектура Осака, Јапонија Осака - INTEX Осака, префектура Осака, Јапонија


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