
Анимефест 2024 година

From May 24, 2024 until May 26, 2024
Брно - Изложбен центар Брно, Јужноморавски регион, Чешка
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Tecuro Simagec Aneta "Fight" Biskupova Kei LaVonne (Nu0019ant Glass). Groovy Guy's Costumes Emporium Eye of Sauron Designs. Follow if you nic utect. Sleepy Animefest is on the hunt.

The convention is inspiring on the stage, in terms of activities and for visitors. The staff is friendly and helpful. Highly recommended. You will never forget this wonderful experience!Facebook.

I had a great time at Animefest. The organizers were so professional and sweet. The cosplay community here is amazing! Cosplayers have so much talent! It was hard to judge them and I am so happy that your representative won at the ECG final! The convention is welcoming, friendly and kind. I felt at home. I loved Animefest.

Animefest 2017 was a fantastic first experience. The staff put on a fantastic event, which was educational, fun and breathtaking. They also showcased the talent of both local artists and cosplayers.Facebook.

It is one of my most favorite memories. The convention is well-organized, there are many activities and programs to choose from and I have never met such kind people or cosplayers anywhere else. I highly recommend visiting Animefest, in the beautiful city of Brno. Facebook.

I was honored to be a Cosplay Guest at the Animefest 2018! It was my first visit to the Czechia, and it was an incredible experience. The organizers and staff were very welcoming and I was able to fully enjoy my trip and see what a beautiful and wonderful city Brno really is.

Посети: 2128

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Брно - Изложбен центар Брно, Јужноморавски регион, Чешка Брно - Изложбен центар Брно, Јужноморавски регион, Чешка


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