
Произведено во Литванија

Произведено во Литванија
From October 06, 2023 until October 08, 2023
Каунас - арена Жалгирис, округот Каунас, Литванија
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

MADE IN LITHUANIA 2022 - Exhibitions in Lithuania and abdroad

Program of Events for MADE IN LITHUANIA 2020. Programme of Events. Awards for the best exhibits at the 2022 exhibition. Conference "Export Code: You Can't Stop Going". Hybrid business contacts "Matchmaking for MADE IN LITHUANIA 2020". Presentation of the exhibition Stories of Design Innovation - from Kortrijk - Kaunas.


Open Hours: 8 October, 10 am-6 pm. 9 October, 10 am-4 pm.

Билетот дозволува само една посета. Билетот не се враќа. * Деца под 10 години, постари лица со POLA картичка и инвалиди. (само под надзор на возрасен) - бесплатно.

The "Ekspoziciju centras", in collaboration with the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and Kaunas Regional Association of Industrialists and Employers invites all to the exhibition of Lithuanian Manufacturers MADE IN LITHUANIA 202 and learn why our country's manufacturing is rated among the best of Europe.

The exhibition aims to promote Lithuanian products and services, increase the consumption of Lithuanian goods, and improve communication between Lithuanian producers and service providers.

This year, many producers will be exhibiting, creating a unique experience. The event will feature new products, cosmetics, household chemistry innovations, clothing, accessories, as well as modern solutions for the home and interior. The socially responsible businesses that will be participating in the event invite visitors to participate in the social economy. This is not done by donating, but by buying the products they want.

Посети: 1953

Регистрирајте се за билети или штандови

Please register at the official website of Made in Lithuania

Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Каунас - арена Жалгирис, округот Каунас, Литванија Каунас - арена Жалгирис, округот Каунас, Литванија


800 Останати симболи