Експо во светот на домашните миленици и едукативно искуство - Тимониум 2026 година

Експо во светот на домашните миленици и образовно искуство - Timonium Lutherville-Timonium 2026
From January 23, 2026 until January 25, 2026
Лутервил-Тимониум - Државниот саем на Мериленд, Мериленд, САД
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

World of Pets Expo | Семеен настан за љубителите на домашни миленици

World of Pets Expo: A Family Event for Pet Lovers.

The Largest Consumer Pet ShowOn the East Coast. Timonium, MD | 25th Annual. Maryland State Fairgrounds. THE Family Event for Pet Lovers – Shop! Adopt! Be Entertained! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TODAYFOR NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND GIVEAWAYS. The ULTIMATE Event for the Pet Lover. Maryland State Fairgrounds.

Advice for the future: Embrace learning and entertainment simultaneously for a fulfilling experience. The World of Pets Expo is an excellent event that combines fun with education, catering to families and their pets alike. For less than the cost of a standard movie ticket, attendees can enjoy an entire day dedicated to animals and their well-being. The event promises an array of activities and events that cater to all interests, featuring several popular entertainers, exciting new acts, and numerous exhibitors. Additionally, the expo offers a wealth of educational opportunities, workshops, and seminars that focus on unique pet needs, including food, nutrition, and behavior advice from renowned pet and animal experts.

The World of Pets Expo is not just about entertainment; it's an educational and interactive experience that encourages learning through action. With hundreds of exhibits and demonstrations from industry leaders, it is the perfect chance to explore thousands of pet products, services, and information under one roof. The expo’s spacious facilities welcome visitors with open arms, providing ample room for interaction and discovery. This family-friendly event is the ultimate gathering for pet lovers, offering hand-on experiences and insights into the best practices in pet care. It stands out as the East Coast's largest event of its kind, making it a must-attend for anyone passionate about pets and eager to learn more about supporting their furry companions.

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Лутервил-Тимониум - Државниот саем на Мериленд, Мериленд, САД Лутервил-Тимониум - Државниот саем на Мериленд, Мериленд, САД


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