
Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2024

Автомобилски CAE Голем предизвик
From April 16, 2024 until April 17, 2024
Ханау - Ханау, Хесен, Германија
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Automotive CAE Grand Challenge - Преглед - Зајакнување на инженерите

automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2024. Background, Concept and Implementation. Challenges in virtual vehicle development. The Grand Challenge as a platform for dialog. Grand Challenges 2024.

April 16 – 17, 2024 | Frankfurt/Hanau, Germany.

In the last 30 years computer simulation has become an indispensable tool of automotive development.

Despite of significant progress in simulation technology and impressive results in industrial application there remains a number of challenges.

The automotive CAE Grand Challenge stimulates the exchange between users, scientists and software developers in order to solve these challenges.

The Grand Challenges 2024 have been identified through a survey among the simulation experts of the international automotive industry:.

Вештачка интелигенција, машинско учење, големи податоци:.

In the conference one session is dedicated to each of the most critical challenges, the "Grand Challenges".

In every session of the conference experts from industry, research and software development will explain how critical the individual challenge is for the virtual car development process and report about their efforts to overcome the challenge.

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Ханау - Ханау, Хесен, Германија Ханау - Ханау, Хесен, Германија


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