
Шкотски саем за дипломирани студенти 2024 година

Шкотскиот саем за дипломирани студенти
From September 24, 2024 until September 25, 2024
Глазгов - Платформа на Argyle Street Arches, Шкотска, ОК
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Шкотски саем за дипломирани студенти | Универзитетот во Стратклајд

Careers ServiceScottish Graduate Fair. Welcome to the AGCAS Scottish Graduate Fair. Graduates and Students. Our faculties & departments. Our faculties & departments. Humanities & Social Sciences. Strathclyde Business School.

We are pleased to invite you to the AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services), Scottish Graduate Fair, 2024. This event is now firmly established in Scotland as the largest graduate & Postgraduate recruitment event.

The fair will take place over two days, 24th and 25th September 2024 at Platform in Glasgow.

Саемот е отворен за СИТЕ студенти и дипломирани студенти на шкотските универзитети.

Location: Platform, 253 Argyle St, Glasgow, G28DL.

Detail: A unique location steeped in culture and history. Six arches are interconnected and each has been restored to their original beauty.

The bookings for this event are now OPEN. More information can be found here.

In the next few months, we will have more information available.

Шкотскиот саем за дипломирани студенти ги прикажува идните таленти на студентите и нивната мотивација да ја најдат вистинската кариера за нив. Двата дена беа наплив на активности за мене како изложувач. Не се работеше за квантитетот, туку за квалитетот на студентите.

The fair provided a great opportunity to network with a variety of people and learn about their career goals or future studies. I would definitely recommend businesses or universities to attend and meet the next generation.

Посети: 1518

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Глазгов - Платформа на Argyle Street Arches, Шкотска, ОК Глазгов - Платформа на Argyle Street Arches, Шкотска, ОК


800 Останати симболи