
Пролетна средба и изложба на E MRS 2024 година

Пролетна средба и изложба на MRS
From May 27, 2024 until May 31, 2024
Стразбур - Изложбен центар Стразбур, Алзас-Шампањ-Арден-Лорен, Франција
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Пролетна средба 2023 | ЕМРС

2023 Spring Meeting. May 29 - June 2, 2023. Strasbourg Convention Centre.

Solid state ionics: bulk, interfaces and integration in devices (Energy materials).

BMaterials for energy conversion systems: fundamentals, designs, and applications (Energy materials).

CAdvanced materials for environmental challenges (Energy materials).

Advanced sustainable materials for energy applications (Energy materials).

ECarbon- and/or nitrogen-containing thin films and nanomaterials (Nanomaterials and advanced characterization).

FSmart materials for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics (Nanomaterials and advanced characterization).

TFrontiers of in-situ materials characterization - from new instrumentation and methods to imaging aided materials design (Nanomaterials and advanced characterization).

GFlexible bioelectronics: a rising star for in situ bioanalysis (Biomaterials and soft materials).

HAdvanced strategies for smart functional and multifunctional biomaterials and biointerfaces (Biomaterials and soft materials).

IBioinspired and biointegrated materials as new frontiers nanomaterials (11th edition) (Biomaterials and soft materials).

JDesign and scaling up of theranostic nanoplatforms for health: towards translational studies (Biomaterials and soft materials).

KOrganic and hybrid transistors and electrochemical transistors: materials and devices (Electronics, magnetics and photonics).

Посети: 1436

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Стразбур - Изложбен центар Стразбур, Алзас-Шампањ-Арден-Лорен, Франција Стразбур - Изложбен центар Стразбур, Алзас-Шампањ-Арден-Лорен, Франција


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