
Годишна конференција и техничка изложба ASHE 2025 година

Годишна конференција и техничка изложба ASHE
From July 27, 2025 until July 30, 2025
Колумбус - Конгресен центар Голем Колумбо, Охајо, САД
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Конференција за иновации во здравствените установи | ПЕПЕЛ

What will the future look like for health care? Join us to shape the future together. Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference. Registration & Pricing. Credits for Continuing Education. Exhibitors and Sponsors. Justification Toolkit Social Media Toolkit. Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference. Drive Innovation. Enhance Your Impact Customize your journey. Amplify your network. Boost your credentials.

What will the future look like for health care? Join us to shape the future together. Anaheim, CAThis event marks the beginning of a new commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and forward-thinking. This conference offers unmatched opportunities for professionals and experts to learn new things, connect with innovators and contribute to the future of health care built environments.Register now and change your approach to managing health care facilities. Join the ASHE Community and learn from your peers.Register Now New! New! Early registration can save you up to $215 by using our Justification Toolkit. Download Now. Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference Registration & PricingThe AgendaSpeakersAdd-On EducationContinued Education CreditsExhibitors and SponsorsJustification Toolkit.

Anaheim, CAThis event marks the beginning of a new commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and forward-thinking. This conference offers unmatched opportunities for professionals and experts to learn new things, connect with innovators, and contribute to the future of health care built environments.Register now and change your approach to managing health care facilities. Join the ASHE Community and learn from your peers.Register Now.

Посети: 1994

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Колумбус - Конгресен центар Голем Колумбо, Охајо, САД Колумбус - Конгресен центар Голем Колумбо, Охајо, САД


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