
Светски фудбалски самит 2024 година

Светски фудбалски самит
From September 18, 2024 until September 19, 2024
Севиља - Севиља, Андалузија, Шпанија
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)
категории: Забава и медиуми

World Football Summit - The football we want. The football we need

Thefootballwewant.Thefootballweneed. The global football industry comes together. Brands that are part of our network. New business opportunities for football. Secretary General of FIFA. President of LaLiga. CEO - Liverpool FC. Chairman - Real Valladolid C.F. Executive Chairman - S4 Capital. President - US Soccer Federation. Chairman - EFL. Professor Muhammad Yunus. Peace Nobel Laureate 2006. Chairman of Yunus Sports hub.

Светскиот фудбалски самит обединува над 110.000 носители на одлуки во фудбалската индустрија за да создаде нови деловни можности и да ја обликува иднината.

World Football Summit is known for its impressive speaker lineup. Each event brings together thought leaders, experts and professionals in various fields.

Fatma started her career with the United Nations in Rome in 1995 as a senior logistic officer for the World Food Programme. She served as a country representative or deputy humanitarian coordinator in seven different countries: Republic of Djibouti (now Republic of Djibouti), Cameroon (now Chad), Guinea, Niger, Madagascar, and Nigeria. Ms Samoura's humanitarian career spanned over 21 years and she was able to lead and initiate several humanitarian and development programmes around the world. Her skills in Program and Operations Management have benefited countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Leadership and vision of Ms Samoura have helped empower youth and women, change lives and save the environment.

Посети: 2109

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Севиља - Севиља, Андалузија, Шпанија Севиља - Севиља, Андалузија, Шпанија


800 Останати симболи