
Саем за рехабилитација 2024 година

Саем за рехабилитација
From September 26, 2024 until September 28, 2024
Прушков - ПТАК ВАРШАВА ЕКСПО, Масовско војводство, Полска
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)


REHABILITATION - International Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Trade Fair. Events on 10-10-2024. You may be interested in these events.

This event will provide a forum for a comprehensive discussion on the most pressing issues facing the industry, including the latest developments in rehabilitation techniques, nursing care and services as well as global trends.This is a business event that brings together and answers all the important questions. The event focuses on building relationships among participants, exchanging ideas with experts and implementing innovative solutions that contribute to the development of a business.

+ 48 518 739 124 [заштитена по е-пошта] https://warsawexpo.eu/.

Птак Варшава Експо Ал. Katowicka 62 05-830 Nadarzyn, Masovian Voivodeship, Полска.

Посети: 1744

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Прушков - ПТАК ВАРШАВА ЕКСПО, Масовско војводство, Полска Прушков - ПТАК ВАРШАВА ЕКСПО, Масовско војводство, Полска


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