
Мега саем за вработување 2024 година

Мега саем за вработување
From September 21, 2024 until September 21, 2024
Брамптон - Конвенциски центар Пирсон, Онтарио, Канада
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Бесплатен мега саем за вработување на 24 септември за транспорт и логистика

Free Mega Job Fair On Sept 24 For Transportation & Logistics. What can this event do for you? Canada International Mobility Program - Work Permit Without LMIA. Ten Hidden Gems with Spectacular Views in Canada. March 12. New Rounds of Invitations. Latest BC PNP Draw 2024 | British Columbia PNP Draws.

The Pearson Convention Center, Brampton, Ontario will host a Trucking Network mega job fair on September 24, 2022 from 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM. Location: 2638 Steeles Ave E. Brampton, ON. This event is held twice a year and provides an opportunity for trucking job seekers to meet with potential employers. It also aims to bring together truck drivers, owners-operators, and experienced trucking professionals, as well as employers and others in the same industry. The event is also free to attend and parking is provided. This event is a great opportunity for Fleets, Service Providers and other companies to meet or hire: AZ/DZ/GZ/G licensed drivers Owner Operators 310T/310J technicians/ mechanics Parts counter personnel Driver trainers Safety Compliance Office Administration Operational Staff and more. You may also be interested in: Canada has a record 997,000 job vacancies - new StatCan report 5 Ontario Government Job Hiring now Paying up to $30/hour Entry Level CRA Job Hiring at 3 Locations This event can help you learn more about the career opportunities available in the trucking and transportation industry. You can also learn about new developments and trends in the trucking, transportation and logistics industry. The trucking industry and logistics sector are looking for ways to alleviate the ongoing labor shortage. This event may be an excellent opportunity to learn about entry-level jobs that offer on-the-job-training. The event will also discuss the latest developments in immigration laws and LMIA options. You can also interview fleets that have won awards! Along with meeting top fleets and Truck trailer sales and parts and services, the insurance industry. This event is a great opportunity for networking. You can meet people who share your interests, create new relationships, and strengthen those you already have. This event will feature industry leaders as well as new, up-and-coming trucking leaders. This is a great opportunity to network, learn new perspectives, discover growth opportunities, and receive the latest information.

Посети: 1860

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Брамптон - Конвенциски центар Пирсон, Онтарио, Канада Брамптон - Конвенциски центар Пирсон, Онтарио, Канада


Думинда Мадуванта Батанге
Со присуство на саем за работа фокусиран на транспорт со камиони и логистика, имам можност да стекнам вредни сознанија за ова поле и потенцијално да се поврзам со потенцијални работодавци кои бараат квалификувани поединци. Можности за вмрежување: Саемите за работа обезбедуваат одлична платформа за поврзување со работодавци, менаџери и професионалци во областа на транспортот и логистиката. Градењето врски не само што може да ви помогне да дознаете за достапните можности за работа, туку и да обезбеди можности за професионален развој и менторство.
Думинда Мадуванта Батанге
Камион Despach
Заинтересирани за учење за камиони.

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