
Експо за 3Д печатење 2024 година

Експо за 3D печатење
From March 28, 2024 until March 28, 2024
Милтон Кејнс - Арена МК, Англија, Велика Британија
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Експо за 3D печатење »

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Attendees can learn about the business applications of 3D Printing through sessions led by experts in the field, as well as demonstrations of the latest 3D Printers and services and programming for professionals and makers. Attend the 3D exhibition to learn how 3D printing has revolutionized industries such as manufacturing, medicine and architecture.

Дигитализацијата има големо влијание врз вредноста на производството. Примената на технологијата за производство на адитиви е совршено прилагодена на дигиталниот свет на производство. Тоа е процес кој носи радикална промена, слична на воведувањето алтернативни енергетски технологии или електрични возила.

This evolution is characterized by new materials, novel business model, complex product designs with new functions integrated, as well as new applications, job profiles, and legal and social issues. In addition to these direct implications of additive manufacture, superordinate connections are playing an increasingly important part in the future manufacturing. Along with robotics, AI, nanomaterials, and other exponential technologies 3D additive manufacture will have a significant impact on the future.

*Connect with the UK's most influential and experienced community of 3D manufacturers.Learn how to use 3D technology to improve efficiency, reduce costs, waste, and time to market.Consult industry experts before making equipment decisions.Visit a variety of 3D technology companies in one place.*Learn from other attendees how they have addressed challenges.*Work with users and manufacturers on 3D applications.

Посети: 980

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Милтон Кејнс - Арена МК, Англија, Велика Британија Милтон Кејнс - Арена МК, Англија, Велика Британија


800 Останати симболи