
Беспилотни летала Азија 2025 година

From April 09, 2025 until April 10, 2025
Сингапур - Санд Експо и конвенциски центар, Сингапур, Сингапур
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DELIVERING RESULTS FOR A. ASIAN UAV ECOSYSTEM EXPANDING. Drones & Uncrewed Asia. Strong support from industry experts. What to show at the UAV market place. Register your interest in advance! Sponsors and Partners.

Register your interestBook a standCo-located events.

Drones & Uncrewed AsiaDownload the Conference Brochure or Show Guide.

Download the Conference Brochure or Show Guide.

Drones & Uncrewed Asia will take place in Singapore on April 9th and 10.

The specialised show, which will be co-located with Geo Connect Asia (also known as Marine & Hydro Asia), Digital Construction Asia and Marine & Hydro Asia (also known as Digital Construction Asia), will build on Drones Asia’s 2024 learnings and provide a platform for the entire UAV industry.

Drones & Uncrewed Asia is positioned to become the key meeting place for Asia's growing UAV and uncrewed technologies ecosystem. The event includes a tradeshow, drone technology market, Main Stage Conference and technical presentations. Startups are welcomed!

Сингапур, лоциран во средината на регионот АСЕАН со население од над 650 милиони, стана идеално место за разбирање на можностите на денешницата и за гледање во иднината.

Над 2,000 професионалци се очекува да присуствуваат на овој дводневен настан. Публиката ќе вклучува регулатори, оператори и развојни агенции, како и синџирот на снабдување и водечките вертикални индустрии во Југоисточна Азија.

The industry will focus on presenting case studies that have been proven and geospatial integration solutions for key industries. They include agriculture & forest, border control and building & construction. Emergency services & disaster aid, healthcare, infrastructure. Mining, oil & Gas, renewables. Planning at the city, state and national level. Transportation & Logistics.

Посети: 1823

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Сингапур - Санд Експо и конвенциски центар, Сингапур, Сингапур Сингапур - Санд Експо и конвенциски центар, Сингапур, Сингапур


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