
Пакет за храна и технологија

Пакет за храна и технологија
From July 12, 2023 until July 14, 2023
Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

swop 2023包装展-包装世界(上海)博览会官网-包装机械展|包装材料展

Expo postponement notice for swop World of Packaging, Shanghai . The postponement notice for swop World of Packaging Expo (Shanghai). "Intelligence, Digitalization, and Personalization are the key to the future of the packaging sector. swop2022 will open the area of personalized and intelligent packaging. Ready to go! Shanghai will be the debut location for "Interpack Innovation Paradise". China Packaging Federation, China Consumers Association, China Paper Association, and 14 other associations have proposed to fight excessive packaging of goods. The rapid growth of the food and beverage markets is possible thanks to packaging machinery and equipment. These are the key points that you need to GET! . Bold? ! Tmall Elf actually introduced the "three noes packaging!" .

Due to the recent occurrence of epidemics in China, the swop World of Packaging Expo (Shanghai), is listening carefully to all parties to ensure that exhibitors and visitors are safe and healthy, and to provide a better experience for both the visitor and the exhibitor. After careful consideration, opinions and needs were gathered and a decision made: "Packaging World (Shanghai Expo 2022" will be postponed. It was originally scheduled to take place at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, November 14-16, 2022. In accordance with government regulations, the specific extension plan will also be announced separately.

Gan Xie Nin De Li Jie He Chang Jiu Yi Lai Dui Bao Zhuang Shi Jie (Shang Hai )Bo Lan Hui De Zhi Chi !Wo Men Shi Zhong Jiang Can Zhan Shang , Guan Zhong Ji He Zuo Huo Ban De Shen Ti Jian Kang Yu Sheng Ming An Quan Zhi Yu Shou Wei . Wo Men Fei Chang You Xin Xin Zai Yi Qing Guo Qu Hou Wei Da Jia Dai Lai Yi Chang An Quan , Jian Kang Ji Fu You Cheng Xiao De Xing Ye Sheng Hui .

Посети: 999

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина Шангај - Национален конвенциски и изложбен центар, Шангај, Кина


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