
Конференција за инженерство и градежништво за извоз на LNG и Експо 2024 година

From June 25, 2024 until June 26, 2024
Хјустон - Хајат Регенси Хјустон, Тексас, САД
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)

LNG Export Conference & Expo 2024 | Houston

Conference and ExhibitionHyatt Regency Downtown Houston, 25-26 June 2024. The Teams who Engineer, Construct and Maintain LNG Export Facilities can learn & do business at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston.There are still 3 booth spaces available. Select Your Focus from 2 dedicated conference tracksChoose your stream below. LNG Export Engineering & Construction LNG ExportOperation, maintenance, commissioning & turnarounds

Виш потпретседател - политика, влада и односи со јавноста.

Потпретседател за операции (западна хемисфера), копно и енергетска транзиција.

На овој настан првенствено присуствуваат високи носители на одлуки на големи сопственици/оператори за извоз на ЛНГ и компании за инженерство, набавки и градежништво.

We are committed to supporting the future generation of LNG engineers, project/construction professionals and other LNG-related professionals. Every year, a portion from the proceeds of the event is donated to local universities and colleges in support of scholarships for students pursuing careers in the LNG sector. This year, we were happy to donate $14,000 between SOWELA and Nunez Community College as well as Lamar State College Port Arthur, McNeese University, and Lamar State College Port Arthur.

Click on the logos to learn more about their work and how your company and you can be involved.

Event Director - LNG Export Engineering & Construction.

Event Director – LNG Export Operations and Maintenance.

Посети: 1216

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Хјустон - Хајат Регенси Хјустон, Тексас, САД Хјустон - Хајат Регенси Хјустон, Тексас, САД


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