
Универзитет Актон 2024 година

Универзитетот Актон
From June 24, 2024 until June 27, 2024
Гранд Рапидс - DeVos Place, Мичиген, САД
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Тагови: Прва помош

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FAQs CONFERENCE FEES. Location, travel and parking. Information for First-Time Attendees. International Participants. CAN'T ATTEND AU PERSONALLY THIS YEAR? FAQ 12 QuestionDay Passes & Dinner Tickets

AboutWhat is Acton University all about?Four days of sound economics, business philosophy, theology and intellectual historyYou can create a customized learning plan with over 100 courses taught in over 60 different languages by an international faculty of world-class experts.Explore the intellectual foundations for freedom and respect the dignity and worth of human beingsLearn about the classical foundations in economics, philosophy and theology. Also, how they relate to today's culture.Unique educational experience that will help you lead with greater understanding of the intersection between liberty and moralityA network of international and ecumenical attendees who will help you apply your knowledge to shaping culture in the direction of a free, virtuous societyWhy Attend?1. Acton University's faculty includes 60+ world-renowned institutions.2. Acton University participants can choose their own classes. On the first day, they will take four Acton University core sessions. Participants can customize the curriculum for subsequent days at Acton University. There are over 60+ options to choose from.3. Acton University students from more than 75 different countries will be attending the university in 2023.4. Acton University offers more than just courses. It is four days to make new friends, engage in meaningful dialogue and create a network of future collaborators. There is plenty of time for you to interact with the people that you meet.5. Acton University is a place of inspiration. The ideas that you will encounter can change your life, and even the lives of others. Take your knowledge to work, school, or church. What you learn, you can do.Important DatesRegistration opens on Monday, December 4, 2019.Fellowship Deadline:International applicants: Friday, March 1, 2020tDomest

Посети: 472

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Гранд Рапидс - DeVos Place, Мичиген, САД Гранд Рапидс - DeVos Place, Мичиген, САД


800 Останати симболи