
CareerStart - Трговски саем за образование, работни места и старт-ап во Саксонија 2025 година

From January 24, 2025 until January 26, 2025
Дрезден - Messe Dresden GmbH / размена Дрезден, Саксонија, Германија
(Ве молиме проверете ги двапати датумите и локацијата на официјалната страница подолу пред да присуствувате.)
категории: Образовни услуги

Дури и како дете не можете да се вклучите во истражување. НО ТИ МОЖЕШ. - Фраунхофер ИКТС

Authors: Anna Knollmann | Susanne Freund. You cannot do research as a kid. BUT YOU CAN. Guided tours or lessons for pupils and children Open Day/Long Night of the Sciences Vocational Training. Students research projects, theses at all levels (bacholor's, master's, diploma, doctorate), employment as a student assistant. Top research requires top talent! Contact Press/Media.

Susanne FreundEven as a child you cannot get involved in research. BUT YOU CAN.May 5, 2020Our programs for young talents allow children to experience MINT's applied research from an early age.MINT? It may sound like a candy that is made from peppermint, or it could be the latest spring color trend, but MINT actually stands for mathematics and informatics. These four sciences, which are increasingly interconnected, are the most innovative in industry. They are also leading to future-oriented industries like medical technology, biotechnology, and information technology. MINT also represents a wide range of professions - from biochemists to cardiotechnicians, insurance mathematicians, IT management assistants and more.Fraunhofer IKTS offers a variety of programs to attract young talents from kindergarten to university. We show here very clearly and in concrete terms that MINT is everywhere.Children or pupils can be guided on tours.Children and pupils can get a feel for MINT disciplines through guided tours. We show, using concrete examples, how we search for solutions to everyday problems. Natural sciences play an important role. Children and scientists can work together to investigate, for instance, whether pests in grain storage can be identified by their eating noises.Open Day/Long Night of the SciencesChildren and youth are also targeted by the Open Day or the Long Night of the Sciences with special offers. We present current research highlights on advanced ceramics in lectures, guided tours and experiments. For example, ceramic filters, membranes and other ceramic-based parts help treat wastewater very efficiently. Or, that screen printing is not just for color on paper but can also be used to print sensors on electronic components.

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Карта на место и хотели наоколу

Дрезден - Messe Dresden GmbH / размена Дрезден, Саксонија, Германија Дрезден - Messe Dresden GmbH / размена Дрезден, Саксонија, Германија


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