
Network X Americas 2024 година

Мрежа X Americas
From May 21, 2024 until May 23, 2024
Ирвинг - Конвенциски центар Ирвинг во Лас Колинас, Тексас, САД
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Мрежа за лесно читање X Americas

Telco reinvented: Investment, Innovation and Disruption. Chief Technology Officer. Debika Bhattacharya. Chief Technology Solutions officer. Chief Technology and Product officer NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association Director of Sustainability and Infrastructure Sourcing. AVP Product Management and Development. Mobile, Fiber and cable sectors - all in one event. Wireless Network Evolution. The Network X Americas Event Experience.

Light Reading Network X Americas припаѓа на одделот Informa Tech на Informa PLC.

Оваа страница е во сопственост и управувана од Informa PLC. Сите авторски права се нивни. Седиштето на Informa PLC се наоѓа на 5 Howick Place во Лондон SW1P1WG. Регистриран во Англија и Велс. Регистарски број 3099067.

Pre-Conference WorkshopsMay 22-23.

Introducing North America's most comprehensive B2B telecoms event.

On May 21-23 in Texas, the US ICT industry's heart, the world of mobile, fiber, and cable will be gathered.

The key players in the industry will gather to discuss and debate the future of Telecoms in North America.

Light Reading Network X Americas, a new perspective on the market, builds on the success and legacy of Informa’s US telecoms event series, which spans a decade, as well as the success of Big 5G 2023, in Austin. Join us and be a part of the conversation shaping the next generation in connectivity.

This event has been brought to you by Light Reading, the US's leading B2B Telecoms News Source, along with its sister company, Heavy Reading. We will be bringing you the latest news in the US from the fiber, cable and mobile sectors all within one event. This gives you a new perspective on the industry.

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Ирвинг - Конвенциски центар Ирвинг во Лас Колинас, Тексас, САД Ирвинг - Конвенциски центар Ирвинг во Лас Колинас, Тексас, САД


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